Most már jöhetnek a feladatok!
Hogyan fokozzuk a következő mellékneveket?
01 izgalmas
02 sok
03 nagy
04 messze
05 fontos
Válaszd ki a helyes opciót.
06 Harry runs _____ Jim.
a) faster b) fast as c) faster than
07 Your room isn’t _____ your sister’s.
a) clean b) clean as c) as clean as
08 My son’s running faster _____ me.
a) - b) as c) than
09 That is my _____ favourite book.
a) less b) least c) the least
10 Sally is _____ most beautiful woman I know.
a) - b) a c) the
Egészítsd ki a hiányzó melléknévvel.
11 Wendy has many bags, but I have _____ .
12 Richard’s computer is modern, but mine is _____ .
13 Daniel has a little freetime every day, but we have _____ .
14 That is a beautiful painting, but this one is _____ .
15 Green is nice, but blue is _____ .
Írj összehasonlító mondatokat.
16 this armchair / comfortable / that sofa / .
17 a diamond ring / expensive / a gold ring / .
18 the bus station / close / the train station / .
19 history / more interesting / chemistry / .
20 the weather today / good / yesterday / .
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