Most már jöhetnek a feladatok!
Párosítsuk össze a módbeli segédigéket a használati pontjukkal.
01 can
02 should
03 would
04 might
05 must
a) tanács kifejezése
b) valószínűség kifejezése
c) kötelesség kifejezése
d) képesség, készség kifejezése
e) feltétel (-na, -ne, -ná, -né) kifejezése
Írjuk le a múlt idejű képzéseket.
01 can go
02 should go
03 would go
04 might go
05 must go
Mikor használjuk az alábbi képzéseket?
06 could have gone
07 must have gone
Egészítsük a mondatokat.
08 When I was a child I _____ the piano very well. (can/play)
09 You _____ that beach house last year. (should/buy)
10 If you had been there, you _____ the same. (would/do)
11 They look happy, they _____ the game. (might/win)
12 I _____ an essay yesterday so I stayed at home. (must/write)
Válasszuk ki a helyes kifejezést.
13 She could run / could have run ver fast when she was young, she won very race.
14 If I had studied harder, I could perform / could have performed better on the test.
15 We had to wait / must have waited in line for hours to get into the concert, but it was worth it.
16 The museum had to be / must have been closed because there were no cars in the parking lot.
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